This post comes a bit late, I admit. As the bound shifted, I was lost in a sea of over 400 astrological minds at the 40th anniversary Northwest Astrological Conference. Conversations percolated throughout the hotel like bubbles forming in the tea kettle before it screams.
Colleagues, clients, students, mentors, elders, initiates, old friends and new, all in the crucible of a conversation that has been going on since humans first started looking up at the stars eons ago. Cosmologies burst out of mouths, pierced brains, and shifted foundational precepts, stretching into new poses, and on and on, excitement preventing sleep. Everyone pinballing around each other, wishing for a social tube wringer to get every ounce of insight out of peers and extend time by any possible fraction.
The energy right now is frothing. For some, at the mouth, for others, with a feather-light joy that has been absent for a long while.
In fact, you might not have even noticed that this missive is late because you’ve been bubbling over in your world, colliding with others in thought or deed and growing bigger together or sometimes realizing a good mirage was just that, and moving on to the next brilliant bauble in the endless flowing forth emitting from seemingly all sides.
This bound carries another omen with it, giving us a taste of the ebullient quality of the rest of the year. Flex the joy, let it poprock on your proverbial tongue, and relish the sensation. There’s enough on the horizon in 2025 to spoil the ferment, so enjoy this moment of fresh abandon. Collide with others, see what crops up, and revel in the ephemerality. The magic is in the fleeting moment and the what-ifs are getting just enough sheath to be seen for a glimmering glimpse. Possible futures coated in rainbow reflections.
Moreover, the current roil requires a critical mass.
Going solo is a no go.
Friends, support, team, committee, even the bugger who talks on and on, almost just to hear their own voice and makes the meeting go over time—all of that good and bad of interacting with mortals who are not you—brings the surface tension that produces the next iteration, for however long it needs to last.
Experience the microbubbles, the carbonation, the tickle of the fizz, and the pucker of the astringent bite in the world around you.
This bound foretells the feeling of the general hum between now and June 9, 2025. Pleasurable distractions and all.
The next report drops June 1, 2024 at 6pm PDT.