Love it, Jenn. I spoke of the bounds today, to someone’s whose grandfather was (Is) an astrologer but who doesn’t know the craft herself. The bounds have become a part of how I read a chart. The syntax of astrology will never be the same for me. I am richer for the depth. Thank you!
So much great writing has come from you during these two bountiful bound years. A book or ebook or performance containing the bound report poetic form would preserve what was so lush and immediate about it and serve as a teaching tool, inviting others to wander the bounds as you have without you needing to wander endlessly on. Endless love for CAELi and all the lifeshaping friendships and eureka moments I’ve enjoyed there and will continue to!! 💗
Whatever the ultimate fate of the CAELi bound-tracking journey, I've greatly enjoyed being a part of it!
I do still read the bound reports as they come out, usually in my email client. Even if you do move away from bound-related writing, I hope you don't completely abandon astro-poetic missives of this sort. It's easy to get mired in mundane world-time and pass over the symbolic qualities of the time we're moving through, and seeing bound report emails often helps me pop my proverbial head out and connect with the latter for a bit.
Priceless: “…the digital panopticon.”
Read, and pondered, even by old skeptics…because of your perspective, which is valued, and a desire to be proved wrong!
Love it, Jenn. I spoke of the bounds today, to someone’s whose grandfather was (Is) an astrologer but who doesn’t know the craft herself. The bounds have become a part of how I read a chart. The syntax of astrology will never be the same for me. I am richer for the depth. Thank you!
So much great writing has come from you during these two bountiful bound years. A book or ebook or performance containing the bound report poetic form would preserve what was so lush and immediate about it and serve as a teaching tool, inviting others to wander the bounds as you have without you needing to wander endlessly on. Endless love for CAELi and all the lifeshaping friendships and eureka moments I’ve enjoyed there and will continue to!! 💗
Whatever the ultimate fate of the CAELi bound-tracking journey, I've greatly enjoyed being a part of it!
I do still read the bound reports as they come out, usually in my email client. Even if you do move away from bound-related writing, I hope you don't completely abandon astro-poetic missives of this sort. It's easy to get mired in mundane world-time and pass over the symbolic qualities of the time we're moving through, and seeing bound report emails often helps me pop my proverbial head out and connect with the latter for a bit.